- Make no Mistake – BANG is not your stereotypical high sugar, life-sucking Hot masquerading as an energy Shot!
- Life is an Xtreme Sport and BANG is the Xtreme Energy source to Live Life Xtreme!
- World’s 1st Cabonated Energy Shot Power up with BANG’s potent brain and body-rocking fuel
Melissa –
This is the way if you like these flavors. Makes the price per can one of the lowest your going to find so if you’re like me and enjoy both your money and energy drinks, this is the ticket.
Sheena –
Ordered two 24 pack cases and only get a twelve pack.
Matthew Giebner –
Silly me for thinking these would come in an actual case. Each can is dented and some even burst open. I can’t even believe someone thought this would be a good idea…
Brady –
Only received 1 cans not 24. I need to be sent the rest of the order or I am entitled a refund, I paid for 24.
Brady –
Bang clears your mind without giving you the jitters. I have ADHD and fibromyalgia (and currently long COVID), so I have serious brain fog. Bang cuts through it and gives me the ability and motivation to work. It’s much more effective than coffee. It has a slightly artificial aftertaste, but not terrible. That’s the only reason I give it a 4, not a 5.
Melissa –
We had 2 cans damaged and one with a hole with no product in it.